"City Strategy of Minority within Women: Resources of The Kyoto Gaisha Community"

OMURA Yoichi

last update: 20151224

City Strategy of Minority within Women: Resources of The Kyoto Gaisha Community

OMURA Yoichi
How do the society pass beyond discrimination? However, we have not yet found the answer that gets over it.

"The change and economization of sexual culture" in the course of modernization shows how modernization in national culture could proceed. "Controlled sexual culture" within the modern city, in which population expanded by modernization, became to be important national policy. "The Kyoto Gaisha" is not a prostitute. However, they were regarded as dangerous groups for female society. They were supervised by a state and female society.

Hence, "The Kyoto Gaisha Community" became to be minority within women. In this "Gion community", "Autonomous space and economical independence" by strategy of minority within women is described.

Keywords: City, Minority, Community, Respect, Resources

REV: 20151224
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