On the Problem Raised by the Political Economy of Disability

last update: 20151222

On the Problem Raised by the Political Economy of Disability

HOTTA Yoshitaro
In this paper, I examine one discussion of Disability Studies, 'the political economy of disability.' The political economy of disability focuses on the norm of modern society from which people with disabilities are excluded.

The study of the political economy of disability shows that modern societies are based on the norm known as the 'work based' distribution system. The norm dictates that people earn the right to goods through working. But not all people are able to work or want to working. In these cases, modern societies face the 'distributive dilemma' (D. A. Stone). To resolve this dilemma, modern societies need to consider the second standard of distribution, which is a 'needs based' distribution system. In this system, an important role as the category of 'disability.' 'Disability' is a category used as one of the criteria that decides who deserves to receive goods based on the 'needs based' distribution system. This criterion relies on clinical and medical diagnosis.

My point is that the insights of the political economy of disability are right, but the crucial problem remains. The problem lies in the standard and the measure itself that evaluates the condition and the position of the people in society. I consider the problem of standard which is defined by medical diagnosis. In conclusion, I will show that the political economy of disability is posing acute question on dominant norm in modern society.

REV: 20151222

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