"A Support for Enhancing Verbal Behavior in a Child with Autism: The Effects of Choice-making of Activities"

ISHIHARA Sachiko, AOKI Chigoko & MOCHIZUKI Akira

last update: 20151223

A Support for Enhancing Verbal Behavior in a Child with Autism: The Effects of Choice-making of Activities

ISHIHARA Sachiko, AOKI Chigoko & MOCHIZUKI Akira
The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the opportunity to choose activities increased verbal requests and the duration of engaging in activities in a child with autism who had some speech but no mand. After baseline sessions, the child was taught to choose one of several photographs that depicted various activities, and was required to make a verbal request for the object used in the activity in the photograph that the child chose. The rate of verbal requests and the duration of engaging in the activity increased in sessions in which choice-making was allowed, compared to baseline and test sessions without choice opportunities. The results were discussed from the viewpoint of conditioned establishing operations (Michael, 1982).

Keywords: child with autism, choice, mand, conditioned establishing operation

REV: 20151223
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