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O'Hagan, Mary 1996 "Two Accounts of Mental Distress," London: Speaking Our Minds

last update:20150803


I wrote most of the journal entries during my last stay in hospital while I crouched in the safety of a locked toilet. With enormous effort I created coherent sequences of words out of the chaos inside me and recorded them in tiny faint handwriting. This was one of the most intense and profound experiences of my life - but down the other end of the long polished corridor, others recorded their own version of my distress in the course of a very ordinary day’s work.



I kept thinking he〔=psychiatrist〕could see into every corner of my mind. Every time I moved - the way I sat, where I put my hands - I thought would be used as evidence of my badly diseased mind. I was afraid he had the power to trick me into letting out my biggest secrets. I was too terrified to talk to him.
Mary[…] has a recent history of Manic Depressive Psychosis. Now appears to be entering a depressive phase. Withdrawn and quiet. Dresses unconventionally. Not an easy patient to relate to. She plays her cards very close to her chest.


I stand alone, unable to move inside a dark bubble. I have no face or hands or feet. My veins are broken and my blood has nowhere to travel. Outside the bubble it is day. A rainbow appears but I cannot see it. I remain in the bubble, broken and hidden from the life around me.
Mary has an inadequate and confused sense of identity. She also has a long standing picture of being an isolate; tending to live in her own world and always finding it difficult to fit in. In this way she presents a schizoid personality picture.


Today I wanted to die. Everything was hurting. My body was screaming. I saw the doctor. I wanted to collapse against the wall and cry out and show him how I feel about things but I said nothing. Now I feel terrible. Nothing seems good and nothing good seems possible.
I am stuck in this twilight mood where I go down like the setting sun into a lonely black hole where there is room for only one.

Flat, lacking motivation, sleep and appetite good. Discussed aetiology Cont. Li Carb. 250 mg qid. Levels next time.
〔感情が〕平板で,意欲に欠けている。睡眠と食欲は良好。病気の原因について話し合い続けた。Li Carb. 250 mg qid. 次回計測すること。


I am lying face down behind a chair in the waiting room of the hospital.
I am a long piercing scream All screaming on the inside of me and out of the pores of my skin. My screaming and myself are one. This is pure pain.
The doctor comes along and snaps at me to get up. He tells a nurse to put me to bed. I have never ever been in so much shame.
Guilt swoops down on me and pecks my sense of being good to bits, as I lie here snared between my sheets like a whimpering animal.
I am full of red hot blame at myself for everything. I cannot bear being so thoroughly bad. I am carrying hell around inside me.

On arriving on the ward - spent the entire day curled up on the waiting room floor behind a chair. Could not talk. Impression of over dramatisation but with underlying gross psychological turmoil. She is difficult to engage and to that effect I have admitted her for a period of two weeks in order to consolidate her working relationship with us.



Everything hurts. I am burning. All the life in me blazing out from the core of me is getting stuck. I can feel it trying to burn through my skin. I am almost on fire.
Experiencing frightening hallucinations, burning sensations, also seeing brightly coloured shapes when eyes shut. Request Sunnyside notes for EEG. Repeat EEG to exclude Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.


I am coming up a bit but I feel all weak and wobbly from being on my bed for days. Before I looked up. This took courage. It was like coming out of a cocoon; the light was strong; it was strange. The next thing I did was walk around and say hello to people. It feels good to be halfway back and looking up.
Is beginning to interact. Says she is feeling much better. Asked permission to go out which was refused. Accepted this well. Enjoyed a game of Scrabble, giggling at times but this was mostly appropriate eg at mildly humourous antics of other patients.
Mary is to be discharged. The family have intimated that they would be glad if I continued to manage Mary. I will be ready to step in if she has any further psychotic breaks and needs the control of this ward.

翻訳:伊東 香純(20150726)

*作成:伊東 香純
UP: 20150803 REV:
O'Hagan, Mary  ◇精神障害/精神医療
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